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Panorama, Video Design, 2018
Italy’s Motus Theatre returns to direct and devise Panorama, a new work in collaboration with the Great Jones Repertory Company. Contemporary philosopher and feminist, Rosi Braidotti wrote about a “belonging open to Multiplicities” proposing a post-nationalistic identity for all the populations of the world, focusing on the concept of fluid identity and nomad identity. Motus and Great Jones Repertory Company delve into the heart of this issue, interweaving their personal histories of identity, departure, and remembrance to create new existential panoramas in which migration is actually an intrinsic existential condition.
The companies have devised this work together from the present on out, building performance up from interviews, improvisations, and associated research in pursuit of an answer to the core question: how can we move from the dominant force, - we the people - to the process of perpetually becoming - we are the other? Panorama is a dynamic and open exploration upon the human need to be in movement, in flux.
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